Switching Medigap Plans

Note: This article assumes you already have a Medigap plan. Contact us if you are trying to switch to Medigap from Medicare Advantage. If you are still weighing your options, please contact us!

Getting Started

There is a lot of confusion about switching Medicare Supplement plans (AKA Medigap) so we aim to provide the complete details in one place. Whether you want to switch to a different Medigap insurance company or stay with the same company but switch plans (eg. Medigap F to Medigap G), you have come to the right place. We will also go over unique switching rules for your state. You may have heard that switching Medigap is difficult. While this can be true, here is all the information you need to switch Medigap plans.

The four main ways to switch Medigap plans

  1. Switch Medigap at any time but you could be turned down due to pre-existing conditions
  2. Switch Medigap plans if your state has special rules
  3. Switch Medigap if you qualify for special circumstances
  4. Switch Medigap if there is a special promotion in your area

Can’t I Switch During Medigap Open Enrollment?

In most states, Medigap DOES NOT have an annual Open Enrollment where you can switch plans without answering health questions.  A few states like Massachusetts have an annual Medigap open enrollment switching time but most do not!

Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans have annual election open enrollment each year between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7th, where you can seamlessly switch from one plan to another.  This is called Medicare’s Annual Election Period (AEP) but many people mistakenly call it Medicare’s “Open Enrollment.” AEP is only for Medicare Advantage or Part D drug plan switching. Just to be clear, Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans do not have an annual switching period in Oct-Dec.

To add to the confusion, there is something called “Medigap Open Enrollment” but it is not an annual event.  Medigap Open Enrollment is what some in the insurance industry call the one-time Initial Enrollment Period that takes place the first time when you are both over 65 and enrolled in Medicare Part B. We prefer to call it “Medigap Initial Enrollment” since it is usually the first time most people enroll in Medigap and it doesn’t apply it’s an annual event.  During this Initial Open Enrollment period, you have 6 months to enroll in any Medigap plan regardless of your health.  If you pick a plan during the Medigap Initial Enrollment period and do not like it, you can switch to a second plan – no questions asked – as long as you do so within your first 6 months of eligibility.

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1. Everyone Can Switch Medigap Plans By Answering Medical Questions.

Whether you want to switch from Medi Supp Plan F to Plan G, work with a different insurance company, or just get a better-priced Medicare Supplement plan, you can do so at any time by submitting a new application.

In most states, you will have to answer medical questions on the application and could be turned down or charged more for pre-existing conditions.  This is called Medical Underwriting. It is important to note that some insurance companies ask fewer medical questions and have easier standards for approval than others.  If you are approved for a new plan whether you go through Medical Underwriting or not, your new coverage typically starts the first of the month following your application.

Call us at 1.800.841.TEAM (8326) and we can help you select the Med Supp plan with the best chance of approval based on your health situation. We have had great success in this arena. We can typically help you apply right over the phone.

But before you try to switch Medigap plans by answering questions, first see if you live in a state that does not require it or if you qualify for guaranteed switching through special enrollment as outlined below.

2. Some States Allow Medigap Switching Without Medical Questions

These states have laws that will allow you to change Medicare supplement plans without underwriting. Below you will find information on each state’s rules:

  • CaliforniaIdaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Oregon, have the Medigap Birthday Rule. If you are currently enrolled in a Medigap plan, you can change to a different Medigap plan each year around your birth month with no medical questions asked using a state-specific birthday rule.
  • Connecticut and New York make changing Medicare supplement plans easy.  Both states have guaranteed issuance for all at any time. Learn more about CT’s and NY’s 100% guaranteed issuance here. Compare CT & NY Medigap prices here.
  • Missouri has the Medigap Anniversary Rule. This allows you to switch 30 days before and 30 days after the anniversary date of when you first signed up.
  • Massachusetts has an annual Medigap open enrollment for Mass switching period from February 1 – March 31.
  • Maine allows enrollees to switch to an ME Medigap plan that has the same or fewer benefits, at any time of the year. Call 1.800.841.TEAM (8326) for assistance.
  • Washington State allows enrollees to switch from any Washington Medigap to any other Medigap except Plan A at any time of the year.

Medigap for Under 65 enrollees has different rules where states can decide whether they can enroll and how much they can be charged.

3. Special Circumstances Can Equal Free Switching

All states have Medigap-guaranteed issuance rules for certain circumstances for example you were misled when you first enrolled in a plan. These situations are fairly rare and are usually called Medigap Special Enrollment or Special Circumstances. This means no Medical Underwriting for those who qualify.

4. Some Companies Have Special Promotions to Enroll in Medigap Without a Health Review

Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL allows you to apply for certain Medigap plans without going through Medical Underwriting.  Currently, their Medigap G Plus application doesn’t ask one health question so all Illinois residents who are Medicare eligible will be approved for that Blue Cross Blue Shield Medigap plan.

Blue Shield of CA often has a special promotion that allows people to enroll in their Medigap Plan G without going through underwriting.  This promotion is called the Underwriting Holiday and is only available to those in California.

Can’t I Just Move from Medigap Plan F to Plan G with the Same Insurance Company?

Many people contact us and ask, “Can I switch from plan F to plan G without underwriting?”  Switching from F to G, even with the same insurance provider, usually still requires answering health questions on an application before they will approve the switch.

There are a few companies in a few states that are allowing their members to switch from F to G without health review, but most still require Medical Underwriting to switch. Give us a call and we can see if your current plan will let you downgrade from F to G without medical underwriting.

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